Playing "Ugly Doll" card game + bowling

Yesterday (Sunday), met up with Ron for shopping at Far East. I bought a pair of new shoes and short. Ron was nice, he gave me comment on the shoes and short. Good to have him around... My short got $5 off lor, only $24 very cheap! Thanks Ron!!!

Ron wanted to buy a new shoes too but did not find any that he like. Gary and Sarah later came and join us for lunch at Far East, the oily smoky coffeeshop in Far East.

After lunch, Gary went back for his worka t Bebe, his last day that day. Then the rest of us went to meet James at Tangs. We shopped at Tangs awhile and then went to Ngee Ann City to shop. We accompanied our Ms Sarah to shop at Gucci.

So much of shopping and shopping and we had lot of fun till we nearly forgot that we meeting Weicai and Suntec for Gloria Jeans.

So we quickly tooka bus and went down to Marina Square to book our bowling and then rushed to mee Weicai at Suntec City's Gloria Jeans to have our chill out with "Ugly Doll" game. We had so much fun snatching the cards!

Loser Weicai accepting his punishment:

Loser William accepting his punishment:

Almost don't feel like ending the game to porceed for our bowling at 10pm. After 2 round of game and finishing of our drink, we rushed for our bowling game with Kobe, Kobe's gf Yumin, Gary and my brother.

We had 2 games for most of us except James and Ron who left after 1 game. James, we did not forget you after that night of bowling.

Gary told us he decided to put this in his msn- 9 equal to James. Haha

Ron with his good throw (Bravo for you, Ron!!!):

Punishing the losers of bowling:

More photo here-
