Mint and Clare's car
It was a good weather that day, bight and sunny!
Clare offered to drive me and Mint to ECP for he TDC Sand-castle building event!

That's Clare, the nice lady who drove me!

Finally reached after 15-20 min walk from the carpark...
It was a good morning scroll excercise!

This is the Sand-castle building Master! He taught us how to build nice sand-castle!

We started with some planning!

Construction in progess- do not disturb!

Me and Patrina

Clare making her own creation! Do you know what she is building?

This is Bernard!

This is Jackie!

How do you like my creation! It's a pair of hearts!

It was a good sweat out day!
Ya... I got sunburn and now my skin Chao Ta and peeling like a snake! Haha
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