Put your Blog in Nokia Ovi Store today

Before that, I wouldn't know that I can use phone to 'Stalk' people.
Here how you can do it?
With the mobile lifestyles we’re living today, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that this is the age of the mobility. We’re always on our mobile phones checking emails, playing games, stalking people on Facebook, it seems like there isn’t much our mobile phones CAN’T do. But as powerful as our mobile phone these days may be, reading blogs was still something we did on our computers, because it sure isn’t easy hopping from one blog to another using mobile web browser – hello wonky-looking pages which refuse to load properly!
Now, Nokia’s giving you the chance to let people stalk YOU!
However, that’s about to change as you now have the opportunity to publish your blog as a mobile app with Nokia’s Ovi App Wizard! Now, you too get to proudly declare that you have your own app on the Nokia Ovi store, which reaches out to millions of Singaporean Nokia users. Not only do you get to reach out to so many more potential readers through the Ovi store, there’s no easier way for your blog readers to get updates on your blog while they’re on the go.

A mobile app just for your blog?
I'm sure this sure arroused all blogger's curiosity.
You get more publicity & more loyal viewership!
Free! Why not right!!!
Stay tuned to my blog
as I will be sharing how you can create your app too!
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