mypaper Executive Look 2011- Who are the Winners
The Executive Look 2011 which happened on last thursday attracted a big group of audience. Mostly were the colleagues and bosses of the 15 contestants. I was invited to attend this event.
I went to the event with 2 of my friend, Peixiang and Darren Tan.
Finger food were served to the guest.
The Host
Peixiang & Darren who also attended this event too.

Singing and dancing performance
The contestants catwalked on stage for the last time before the result annoucement .
The judges who were present that night.
The top 5 contestants were asked to stand on stage for a 3 minutes questionnaires, testing their EQ and OQ. OQ means "Office Intelligence Quotient".
Winners are...... Readers' Choice Award:
Jeffrey Chng, 38, Training Facilitator, UBS AGRedken Most Stylish Look:
Mr Jun Mardian Sugandhi, 33, Hedge-fund Trader, MGC Partner
Shiseido Most Radiant Look:
Ms Sylvie Khau, 29, Vice President, Institutional Derivatives Sakes for Asia, Exane Derivatives
3rd place & HTC Best Communicator :
Ms Christine Tran, 31, Relationship Manager, Citco; and Founder, HFAlliance Group LLP2nd place:
Ms Zarina Yusof, 38, Deputy Director, Health Promotion Board (Youth Health Programmer Development) Who will win he 1st place?

Ms Jeanne Lee, 25 Regional Sales Exec, Dow Jones & Company

What is mypaper Executive Look?
It is a signature event of my paper and Singapore's first executive-oriented competition in search of a male or female who best epitomises the ideal Singapore urban executive - has now returned for a 4th year!
Application is open to executives aged between 25 to 39 years old, are currently employed with at least 2 years of working experience, and embody the perfect blend of beauty, style, self-confidence, eloquence and corporate-savviness.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to a closed-door audition on 13 February 2011 where 16 finalists (8 male and 8 female) will be selected and sent for classes on grooming, catwalk, business etiquette, business efficiency and stage presentation in preparation for the Grand Finals on 28 April 2011.
To get a more intimate understanding of the finalists, you can access their online blog as well as read about their profile and interview in the feature spread in my paper from 21 March 2011 onwards starting from 4 April 2011 and stand to win attractive prizes. The 16 finalists will be presented live at the Grand Finals on 28 April 2011 where you will be invited to witness the crowning of the winner for 2011. The finalists will be judged not on their looks but on their confidence, poise, personality, wit, eloquence, "EQ" (Emotional Quotient) and "OQ" ("Office Intelligence Quotient").
Winner of the my paper Executive Look 2011 will get $10,000 cash whereas the 2nd and 3rd prize winner will walk away with $5,000 and $3,000 cash respectively.
Thank you for writing about our event! Hope you had a good time at the show. =)
Christine Tran