The price of eating CNY FOOD!

Chinese New Year is coming! Which is you favorite CNY food?
After you see this, you might wanna think twice before you eat them.

Just do your own simple calculation, one day you be visiting how many houses and also how many of such food you be eating. I think you will be eating lot of what you normally eat in a day. And the calories is really madness. So be careful of what you eat and eat at moderate, the fact that the CNY food may look cute, delicious, yummy and tempting.

Well I guess you don't want to just let yourself go crazy over such food and regret right.

Digest this: 
Two slices of bak kwa add up to about 352 calories – the number of calories in two and a half slice of bread. Five pieces of pineapple tarts contain 410 calories, equivalent to two bowl of rice but with far more fat and sugar. They may contain about five teaspoons of sugar. 

Here are my tip: 
Sample them at only small portions and fill up your stomach with healthier food such as fruit and vegetables. Important to identify and choose the healthier versions of food and beverages. For instance, you can go for raw almonds, sunflower seeds and other nuts instead of the honey-roasted, sugar-coated or salted versions. Fried nian gao (a sticky Chinese New Year cake) may be delicious but high in calories, go for the steam one instead. 

Do you all eat Yusheng?  Opt for raw salmon instead of smoked salmon, which has a higher sodium content. 

When visiting relatives and friends, what drinks do you choose normally? Choose plain water, sparkling mineral water, reduced-sugar drinks or sugar-free soft drinks. Because a can of soft drink typically contains six to eight teaspoons of sugar, with carbonated ones having a 20 per cent higher sugar content than non-carbonated ones. 

Reducing the impact of the CNY food you costumed, when visiting relatives and friends, you can climb the stairs instead of taking the lift and get off the bus or train a stop earlier to walk to their destination. This is also to fulfill the weekly 150 minutes of physical activity recommended by HPB. 

So if you eaten so much of CNY food, then it is also time for you to burn it off by jogging.

Wishing everyone HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!
Don't say I never warn you about eating too much CNY food... =)


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