Allow Kiehl's to shield you!!! (Our 2nd and 3rd day work)
Well the 2nd day after lunch onward and 3rd day was not an easy day to work as we run out of brochure to give out. So we have to use our umbrella and keep shielding people to create the awareness.
We carried out the idea and we felt the idea was not bad as there were people noticing us and some of them ask what are we doing too.
Haha, I think that was one successful thing that we did to get their attention!!!
Bravo to Kiehl's Boys!!!
One more thing, there was a rain finally today cause for the past few day weather was so humid and hot. So Kiehl's Boys now not only shield people from the sun but also from the rain.
After a tiring day work on Sunday, Kiehl's Boy decided to give themselves a treat to Pasta Mania at Shaw Tower and visited Bao Shan who was working there. Thanks Bao Shan too!!!
Finally ended for this week work... Xin Ku (Tough) for all the Kiehl's boy already!!!
See you guys next week end again!!! Was great fun working with you guys!!!
Anyone got anything to say for this 3 days working together??? Do write your comment k... =)
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