Happy Birthday to Guolin and Lydia!!!
To Guolin:
Knowing you had always been a great joy!
Miss our JB trip, see when let go for a short holiday again k!!!
Wishing you a Happy Birthday
and all the best in whatever thing you do
To Lydia (Ge Ge):
Was great knowing you had been really fun!
Thanks for alway opening your house for us to go...
Miss those cooking days...
Steam tofu and spagetti and many more food cooking...
The last time you planned for a cooking session
at your house also end up cancelled...
See when must go your house again and have some wine drinking.
Wishing you all the best in whatever thing you do
and Happy Birthday!!!

holding the birthday card I made for them! Hope they like it!
Our TWL stand for Tommy, William and Lydia!!!

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