Valentine's Day @ Orchard
This year I had a very different experience for Valentine's Day.
Thinking I had a girlfriend this year and should be with her going out on Valentine's day for dinner right...
But I did not meet her on that day as she was busy with her project. Studies are more important and I would understand and I told her I will meet her out for a dinner again after her project finish.
So back to the point. What I did in Orchard?
No One will ever imagine I will do that in Orchard. I was with my good buddy, Terence.
And we bought lot and lot of Ferreo Rochers a few days before Valentine's Day at Watson and we decided to eat them all on Valentine's day... 
No la... We did not eat them all!!!
No la... We did not eat them all!!!
We used them to do business!
Making them into flowers and sell!
Below is some photo taken at Terence house when we were making
and also at Orchard road, the place we selling.
Michelle so sweet too!
She bought from me 3 stalks of Rochers for Edison
on Valentine's day that day!
Thanks again! May you
James showed his support too! Thanks Bro!
for the 1st time in my life!
Thanks Terence for the idea and being supportive!
Thanks for the accomodation too!
You had been a great business partner to work with!
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