Couldn't get enough of Little Nyonya...

These few day kept thinking of the show and the nice theme song "如燕" sang by Olivia Ong...

The Little Nyonya 一见钟情

The Little Nyonya 再次相遇

The Little Nyonya 奔走逃亡

The Little Nyonya 喜结良缘

The Little Nyonya 一家团圆

The Little Nyonya 战火亲情

The Little Nyonya 父女情深

The Little Nyonya 菊香之死

The Little Nyonya 死里逃生

The Little Nyonya 浪漫回忆

小娘惹主题曲《如燕》——Olivia Ong 现场演唱
