Grand SIA Cup 2011- Chill Party

The sexy Turf Belles were one of the main feature of the event too!
Check out the website here and vote for them:

There were delicious food served throughout the event too!
Presenting to you on stage, the 10 Turf Belle!
Which one caught your attention? Vote for them at
We got closer to the Turf Belle! There was a meet the Turf Belle session where we get to interact with them and take photo with them!
I got to add some of them into my facebook!!! Opps.... haha...

Me ant Terence also not bad, though we lost we got a prize- Mini Portable Speaker.
Edison found his friend, Sharlene who happened to be a Turf Belle.
Edison with Eunice (Left) and Pearlin (Right)
WE had some CAMWHORE at the entrace before we left. Stay tuned for my next blog post on the SIA Cup 2011!
Check out for more details.
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