Aunty Lili's Dragon’s Beard Candies now available at Mad Museum Art and Design
Do you remember Aunty Lili?
Yes, she is Singapore’s first and only female Dragon’s Beard Candy Master food artist, she used to have a physical store which sell Dragon Bread Candies but stopped since 2011. Many people had since missed her delicious Dragon Bread Candies.
Yes, she is Singapore’s first and only female Dragon’s Beard Candy Master food artist, she used to have a physical store which sell Dragon Bread Candies but stopped since 2011. Many people had since missed her delicious Dragon Bread Candies.
From 25th June 2016 onwards (Hourly Demonstration 12pm-7pm), you be able to try this authentic Dragon Bread Candies made by Aunty Lili again at Mad Museum Art and Design at 10 Tanglin Road Singapore 247908.

There will also be complimentary samples of the Dragon’s Beard Candies but only made available on a first-get-first-eat basis after each Dragon’s beard Candies demonstration.
Due to Aunty Lili's old age (70yrs old), Mad Museum might be the last retail place you be able to try Aunty Lili's handmade Dragon Bread Candies.
The 8 Auspicuous Steps in Dragon’s Beard Candies Making
Researched and Developed by Lili Ho and Roger Poon in Singapore
Step 1: From a hard rock of malt, Aunty Lili warms the rock with the everyone’s goodwill, warmth, positive vibes and righteou intentions.
Step 2: The hard rock of malt will then be soften and transformed to look like an ancient chinese coin. This means the present of wealth for everyone.
Step 3: From the golden coin, the shape of number 8 is formed. In the Chinese, the number 8 sounds like “fa”which means the arrival of wealth for everyone present.
Step 4: Thereafter, the malt threads are then further spun to form the shape of “infinty”. This means infinity of good health and sustainable wealth to everyone here.
Step 5: Hence, from a hard rock of malt, the dragon’s beard is formed.
Step 6: The Flying Dragon: The thin delicate threads of dragon’s beard candies are then
carefully transported from the flour pot (also known as the dragon’s place of leisure where
the dragon is resting) to the galaxy, represented by the long silver plate. The actions for this
step, when done properly, looks like a dragon flying out of the ocean to the mountians.
Step 7: The privilege of sharing: the very fine threads of dragon’s beard are then carefully shared in equal parts for all those who are privileged to eat it.
Step 8: Health and wealth for everyone: Gold, represented by the fragrant crushed peanut bits are then eventually added to the dragon’s beard to form the imperial treasure that is the Dragon’s Beard Candy: meant for the consumption of the privileged and noble only.
Hi, I would like to contact Aunty Lili for making dragon beard candy. May I know if you have her contact?