Fun Moments with fnn
Do you remember the first day in your primary school, where you 1st spend money on a can of F&N sparkling drinks?
Do you remember on serval occasions (Birthday party, Chinese New Year, Gathering Party, etc), people buys F&N Sparkling Drinks for the guests?
Do you remember your last gathering with your classmates where you all tossed together with F&N Sparkling drinks?
Do you also remember, some of your friend used different flavours of F&N Sparkling Drinks (Outrageous Orange, Groovy Grape, Smashing Strawberry, Cheeky Cherryade, Cool Ice Cream Soda, Flashy Fruitade and Zesty Zapple) to play the Guessing Flavour Game?
Yes I did! F&N Sparkling Drinks had accompanied me in my whole life, bringing me all the FUN & JOY in any occasion. And the recent participation in the F&N Spread the Groove Challenge had left many great fun memories in my life too.
Read all my entries here:
SDD Vol.2 is truely an event I would never forget just like SDD Vol.1 which I attended too. I have 4 Chinese word to decribe this event "精彩万分" (In English: Extremely exciting)! Thanks to F&N for giving me the chance to cover the event for the Prelims and Finals of SDD Vol.2 again. And through all these events, I got to see the dancers putting all their effort into the competition and a lot of time they really amazed the crowd with their dance moves on stage. Although their stage performance time given was only like 3 minutes but in this 3 minutes I saw the talent, energy, enthusiasm and passion in each dancers on stage. And all this does not comes that easy...... Reminded me of a Chinese saying "台上三秒钟,台下三年功" and it means "3 seconds on stage, 3 years of effort behind". I hope this kind of spirit in them will never ends.
For the champion team- Joyce & The Boys, congrats to you once again and hope you will make Singapore proud in Japan Dance Delight Vol.18. We are honoured to have you guys in Singapore. As for those who did not win in SDD Vol.2, I hope you don't give up and I believed that one day you can shine like the rest too.
Although SDD Vol.2 may have come to an end BUT to me it actually marks the beginning of the FRIENDSHIP with the other F&N bloggers (Angie, Benjamin, Luke, Jia Qi & Jia Yi) who I just knew and also to know more of the other 4 bloggers (Calvin, Darren, Sze Ping & Yong Wei) who I already knew before this (Friendship never ends). And the FUN with F&N in our daily life never ends too!!! =)

F&N Sparkling Drinks are suitable for all ages, friends and family. With the great variety of flavours to choose from, it is sure a drink for every mood and occasion. And that is why it is so loved and trusted for generations! I'm simply loves my F&N Outrageous Orange Sparkling Drink!!!
Do you also know?
F&N sparkling drinks quality m ixes such as Club Soda Water & Extra Dry Tonic Water provides the perfect complement for consumers' favourite drinks which are widely used in restaurants and clubs. For large gatherings and parties, F&N also provides a range of cordials in all-time favourite flavours such as Orange Squash and Rose as a thirst-quenching treat for guests. If you remember I blogged about the FM 987 RSVP Party, they served us alcohol mixed with F&N sparkling drinks too (Click here to see). Thanks F&N for being PART OF MY LIFE!!!
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