Guinness Live Round 4- Cutie Benita VS Cool Kenny Khoo

Are you at Shanghai Dolly on Tuesday (8 Nov)?

Because there is a Ultimate Music Battle- Guinness Live

That evening, it was Guinness Live- Round 4 and we have

Who will win?

Will it be Cool Kenny (Team Dragonfly)?

Or will it be CUTE Benita (Team Shanghai Dolly)?

The audience get to decide their fate through cheering and whistling!!!

The invited judges gave their points to the deserved winner.

What are some of singing advices given to the contestant?

Congrats to Benita with a winning score of 95 points!!!

Spotted Aydan & Regine!!!

That's Jeremy in the middle!!!
Great to see them all coming together supporting each other!
Just for your info, Jeremy will be singing tonight (10 Nov, 10pm) at Firefly,
do come down and watch him PK with Alfred!!!

A photo with the winner that night- Benita from Team Shanghai Dolly!!!
Thanks a lot William, for covering the show-downs!