Haze: PSI in S'pore hits highest level of 401 since 1997
To wear mask or not to wear?
Yes you should I STRONGLY ADVISE!

At 12pm today (21 June 2013) PSI in S'pore hits highest level of 401 since Sept 1997. This is a photo taken at Marina Bay Sands. I can hardly see the building in front. This is under the 'hazardous' range!
Advising everyone to stay indoor as much as possible and wear a mask if you outdoor.
Earlier I was just outdoor awhile and I could not breathe properly and I could feel my eyes burning due to the haze!
Lot of Watsons and Guardian are already running out of stock of Masks. I got mine online from http://www.mrstyleking.com/?p=3884
Hmmm... Do you think government can provide FREE MASKS to the citizens for this tough period? Well if they can will be great to distribute from community centre.
Take care and we'll pull through this together! :)
401 is more than hazardous , it is very hazarous according to wikipedia.