15 Bloggers took part in the Greenwich V Blogger Challenge!!!

you must have heard of the Greenwich V which had just opened recently on 10 Feb 2012 (Read more here), but do you know that I am one of the 15 selected bloggers for the Greenwich V Experience Blogger Challenge too. Thanks to Greenwich V & Omy.sg for selecting me!!!
15 bloggers took part in the blogging challenge in 3 teams of 5.
My team is made up by Ai Sakura (standing, left), Nigel Yeo (standing, right), Claire (seated, left), Rachell Tan (seated, middle) and myself (seated, right).
Don't you think we made a good team?

That my team member- Nigel Yeo doing the jumping jacks punishment.

Yes we finally completed all the stores that we are supposed to visit on that day.
Okies now who are the winners?

We won $300 shopping voucher!!! Good job guys!!!

Check out what the other bloggers are blogging about Greenwich V here: http://blog.omy.sg/greenwich-v/
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