Guinness Live Round 40- AYDAN vs PHOEBEE

Last Tuesday at Guinness Live@ Shanghai Dolly, we have Phoebee & Aydan challenging on stage. Beside them on the left are the mentor- Jason (Left) and William Scorpion (Right).

Team dragonfly- Phoebee on stage

She sure charmed lots of guys with her great singing.

Team Shanghai Dolly- Aydan on stage

Great singing and outfit! Lots of female supporters screamed for him!!!

What the judges and host got to say? They both agreed that both of them sang very well!!!
It was truely a tough fight I would say.

Wow! The Audience are getting HIGH and cheering for thier favourite singers!!!
So who is the winner that night?

The winner is PHOEBEE!!!
Phoebee Ong won the PK against Ang Aydan, congrats to her!
Jason being his Mentor must be very proud!
She won 1000 bonus votes!!!
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