Guinness Live PK Round 11 - KENNY VS ALFRED

What the contestant have to say about their performances that night.
Afred said: "I lost to Kenny, but it was really a tough fight. We are of different style actually and therefore I think its really hard to judge. But I really enjoy those exciting moments when we found out that we drew the votes and had to think of a song very last min. As usual my biggest enemy is to remember lyrics, so i chose a song that wasn't in the competition. I guess thats the reason i lost
I totally agree to Fatt Zhai about the stage presence part. I was looking a little too stern and restricted. I will definitely work on it. Ofcourse to put in more feelings in those songs.
Currently i have 2 major problems, first the lyrics and secondly is the stage presence. I will have to chant those lyrics into my head and get concert references to improve on how i look and interact with the audience.
I think its really tough for my friends to come down to support every show, but at least they show their support by their facebook votes. I truly appreciates that and hope I can really do my bestest every show and not let their effort go to waste. Ofcourse to all parties involved in making this competition a success and the contestants, last but not least the Queen band."
Kenny said: "I'm feel surprised. Of course winning makes me delighted but I never expected to win at all. All i thought was to put in my best effort and hope that the audience will enjoy the show.
Generally I agreed with judges and mentors said, there is still alot things to work on and improve.
I will improve on my stage presence as well as interaction with audience.
It is very heartwarming to see my family and friends coming to see my performance. The overall experience at Guiness has been wonderful because the audience have all been supportive which is very motivating from a performer's point of view because we can feel the energy and vibe."
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